Native Irish Honey Bee Society – Apis mellifera mellifera

Native Irish Honey Bee Society
Apis mellifera mellifera


NIHBS cannot directly supply nucs or queens, but you are welcome to contact the suppliers below for availability. These local suppliers have all agreed to and signed the following voluntary undertaking with regard to their stock. If you are interested in supplying nucs and/or queens, fill out the application form by using the below button. Supplier Application Form NIHBS is opposed to the importation of honey bees onto the island of Ireland.
N = Nucs Q = Queens

**Supply to Republic of Ireland only

* supply to NI and GB only

NIHBS Nuc / Queen Suppliers List
Anthony, Robert **Waterford087 6547034kilmeedy.west@googlemail.comQN
Boyle, Ken **Louth087 2930690info@boylesirishpantry.ieQN
Broderick, MichaelOffaly086 1234684michael.broderick99@gmail.comQN
Coolmore BeesCork086 2317229mnewenham@coolmorebees.comQN
Forskitt, Alan **Tipperaryalan.forskitt@gmail.comQN
Coyne, GerardGalway085
Jeremiah, CroninCork086 6039067jerhcronin@yahoo.ieN
Getty, Jonathan *Antrim
Grogan, EmmetDublin085 7616890ballyboughalbees@outlook.ieQN
Keogh, Micheal**Laois087 1381431midlandshoneyfarm@hotmail.comQN
Little, John **Carlow086 8509644treesandbees@gmail.comN
Mac Giolla Coda, EoghanLouth086 2446444lannleirehoney@gmail.comN
McBride Trevor *Monaghan087 7683111trevor@mcbridesbees.comQ
McDonnell, Tom **Westmeath086 3000401killucanhoney@gmail.comQ
McGreevey, Damian *Antrim00 44 7759961812damianmcgreevy@btinternet.comQ
Nic Giolla Coda, Aoife**Tipperary087 6743030galteebees@gmail.comQ
O Brien, ThomasLimerick087 4126180westlimkbees@gmail.comQN
O' Connell, Colette **Waterford086 3904817coletteoconnell@ymail.comQN
McCormack, Pat & Fiona **Longford/Roscommon086 3263709info@thefarmhouse.ieQN
Mellett, SeanGalway086 3268019seanmellett@gmail.comQN
O Herlihy, BrendanDublin087 2445399brensbees@gmail.comN
O Neill, Colm **Kildare087 2584890colmdoneill@gmail.comQ
O Reilly, Bernie **Cavan086 8940228bernie.oreilly00@gmail.comN
O Sullivan, Vincent**Cork086 6214600midletonbees@gmail.comQN
Osborne, Sean **Galway087 255 8639osbornegalway@yahoo.ieN
Phair, JeromeOffaly085 1234732jeromephair@hotmail.comN
Rice, LiamCork086 159 7881liamandkittyrice@gmail.comQN
Ross, RichardWestmeath / Offaly086 819 8928richardaross70@gmail.comQN
Shinnick, AndrewCork087 2453607blackwaterhoneysupplies@gmail.comQN
Summerville, JohnOffaly086 8549141svillejohn@gmail.comQN
Walsh, Pauline**Limerick087 9641388pwalsh100@gmail.comQ
Walker, RichardAntrim00 44 7886534599nativeirishbees@gmail.comQN
Watson, StephenGalway083 831 2936steve@owenriffhoney.ieQN