Native Irish Honey Bee Society – Apis mellifera mellifera

Native Irish Honey Bee Society
Apis mellifera mellifera

Connemara Bee Improvement Group

The NIHBS queen rearing workshop held in Sean Osborne’s apiary at the weekend was a great success.
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The event had to be moved indoors due to the heavy rain but that did not dampen the spirit of the enthusiastic beekeepers that came from all over the west. Numbers were kept to a minimum and only those interested in queen rearing were invited.
Connemarea Workshop July 2013
Instructor David Lee gave a detailed account of queen rearing. He demonstrated the cell raising colony and how to prepare it.
The main event of the day was grafting and identifying the proper larva for the job and everybody got to do some grafting.
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Dara Scott demonstrated the varroa Project and gave a talk on the importance of varroa tolerant bees.
Sean Finnerty gave an update on NIHBS and its progress.
Connemarea Workshop July 2013_5

Gerard Coyne

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