Venue: – Colm ONeill’s apiary, Naas, Sunday 30th June starts at 2.30.
Ladytown, Naas. W91 THF8
Look out for the ‘NIHBS Bee signs’ from the ‘Bundle Of Sticks’ Roundabout
The M7 upgrade works are ongoing in the area, with an enforced speed limit of 60KM
Parking will be on one side of the road only to allow for local access.
Thomas Ellis, Donegal Bees, will be there on the day if you need to stock up on any bee related equipment
5 Responses
Interested in attending workshop in Naas and would appreciate driving instructions from SW Wex.
updated now
Can you post directions, postcode or a pin for Colm O’Neill’s Apiary.
Many Thanks
updated now
Hi would like to attend work shop is it necessary to pre-book tks Martina